Edwin Choi

Wealth manager, self-taught developer, and accidental entrepreneur.

Professional Projects

In 2009, after leaving Wall Street, I started a wealth management practice offering evidence-based investment advice. I primarily use low-cost funds to build a personalized portfolio for each client. I would consider my investment strategy to be heavily influenced by the Boglehead approach, with some quantitative spice added.

In 2015, I cofounded Capitect to provide modern portfolio management software to other independent financial advisors. Our mission is to support advisors that aim to provide holistic advice and personalized portfolios using modern, online-first software.

Side Projects

A simple way to track your net worth and spending without sharing your account passwords or adding up every Starbucks expense. Instead of duplicating the same spreadsheet for every client, I decided to build this as an excuse to learn React, Remix, and TailwindCSS.

If there were more time in the day, this list would be so much longer.

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